Milkshake History

History of the Milkshake, milkshake.

Milkshake History

Today we bring you the Milkshake History, one of the most famous drinks served at classic American Diners. This creamy drink, also known as a milkshake, was once a delight for young and old alike.

The term "milkshake" was first used in 1885, when milkshakes were a whiskey-based alcoholic drink that was mixed with egg as a "snack." Little by little more ingredients were added such as chocolate, strawberry or vanilla syrups; until 1930 when milkshakes were a popular drink in malthouses, which were the typical soda fountain of the time.

Soda Fountain
Classic Soda Fountain

In 1922, Ivar "Pop" Coulson, a Walgreens employee, created a milkshake with two scoops of vanilla ice cream added to the standard milkshake recipe. This new milkshake, called "Horlick's Malted Milk", was introduced by the Walgreen pharmacy chain, becoming one of the most popular drinks.


In 1910 with the invention of the blender, milkshakes began to take on their modern, whipped, airy and frothy form. In 1936, inventor Earl Prince used the basic concept of the automatic ice cream machine to develop the Multimixe. It was a 5-spindle blender that could make up to five smoothies at once and serve them all in paper cups instantly! A great step for professionals in the sector, who benefited from these advances to satisfy the demand for these delicious smoothies.

Multimixer with 5 spindles

In the 5s, the most popular places to drink milkshakes were Woolworth's 10 & XNUMX coffee shops, restaurants, hamburger joints, and drugstore soda fountains. The hallmark was a shiny chrome or stainless steel smoothie mixer machine. In this way, Shakes such as "Shake One in the Hay" (strawberry) and a "White Cow" (a vanilla shake) among many more managed to spread not only in the United States but also in other parts of the world, such as the United Kingdom. and Australia.

Classic Soda Fountain
Classic Soda Fountain.

Currently, milkshakes have been modified, generating new recipes. Milkshakes lower in sugar and fat, some of them also contain fiber and other components, adapting to the needs of new generations. In other cases, the shakes include, in addition to the delicious ice cream, candy toppings, wafers, chocolate fringes or fresh fruit. Authentic American-style energy bombs!

Milkshake current flavors.-The Red Car American Diner
Milkshake current flavors.-The Red Car American Diner

You can't miss this delicious dessert the next time you visit an American Diner...
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