English shelf Payphone
La English shelf Payphone It is a magnificent replica of English telephone a size a little smaller than the "Life Size" or full-scale replicas, so that it fits more easily in homes. On the inside it comes with removable glass shelves to be used as a Display. It has an interior light to illuminate with an exterior switch. At present the authentic Phone booths Old English they are classified as national patrimony. In addition the cost of a Retro English cabin (In good condition) usually around between 7.000 and 10.000 €. In www.thecrazyfifties.es we have found a solution for those who love pure English style satiate your appetite without having to stump up large fortunes.
It has inner light!
- Width: 41.91 cm
- Length: 52.07 cm
- Height: 182.88 cm
We also have the classic English soldier guard
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