Neon Sign OK Used Cars
We present the Neon OK Used Cars Poster, which is part of the new and attractive family of Neons with background, which is formed by more than 25 new models. The Neon Sign OK Used Cars It is a replica of the ancient Neon signs the years 50, decade in which they became a true decorative icon, essential to complement the retro decoration of the crowded American Diners and roadside bars of the time. They have also become today, a staple to complement the decor of American Diners So fashionable today. These Neon signs They usually decorate the entrance of this type of business, although they are also appropriate for use inside the business or even to give a retro touch to the decoration of your home.
Dimensions Neon Sign OK Used Cars:
- High 65 cm
- 65 cm width
know the Origin of the neon sign??
The glassmaker and physical Heinrivh Geissler of German origin, he created glass tubes sealed with two electrodes. Low pressure gas was placed inside these tubes and by applying an electrical voltage it was found that the tube glowed with great intensity. In 1898 British scientists Sir William Ramsay y Morris Travers they decomposed the air to isolate its different parts, one of them they called neon. The word Neon It comes from the Greek "neos" which means "new" and whose meaning would be "new gas". He neon It is a noble gas, colorless, practically inert, present in traces in the air in a proportion of 0,001%, but very abundant in the universe, and it provides a reddish tone in the light of the fluorescent lamps in which it is used.
The first time the neon tube was used, (also called spout), as an advertising element (and this would be the Origin of the neon sign), was at the Paris motor show or "Great Salon de Paris" in 1910. This first application was made by Andre and Georges Claude through his company Claude Neón. The first to acquire this new advertising sign format was the car dealership Packard in Los Angeles, who acquired two ads for ... (Read the full article)
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