Decoration figures Super Heroes
We present the Decoration figures Super Heroes at real size that we have.
A fabulous selection of the most iconic heroes that will make your business an unforgettable place for those who visit you. Young and old will be delighted to take a picture with our fabulous life-size figures!
Place them wherever you want, from indoors to outdoors. They are made of high-density fiber that guarantees their durability against dust and water from the outside. So don't worry! you can put them where you prefer.
Los super Héroes (tal y como los conocemos hoy en día ) se empezaron a popularizar entre los años 30 y 40 gracias a los cómics, dentro del el cual representaba uno de los géneros mas representativos de estas tiras y se consolido de forma dominante en los cómics de EEUU a partir de los años 60.
Todo comenzó en 1938, con la introducción de supermán en Action Comics.
Here you can find superhero figures such as Hulk, Captain America, Batman, Spider-Man, Superman, Ironman o Supergirl to give some examples.
If you can not find the figure you are looking for contact us via phone, Whatsaap or mail and we will try to help you as much as possible.
Decoration figures Super Heroes
Decoration figures Super Heroes
Decoration figures Super Heroes
Decoration figures Super Heroes
Decoration figures Super Heroes
Decoration figures Super Heroes